Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, TSI has taken safety precautions in order to still perform our duties while keeping people safe.  We are now getting back into the full swing of business as usual as the stay at home orders are being lifted in multiple counties and the state of Missouri.  There are more employees being allowed to come into the office, but we are also respecting the wishes of those who wish to work from home still.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on current or future projects.  We promise to continue to work harder (and safer) so you don’t have to.  There may be more challenges to overcome, but we are in this together. 


We at TSI would like to thank you for your commitment to doing what is needed during these critical times.  It’s important that we all work together to get through this covid-19 pandemic in order to keep people safe and business alive.

At this time, TSI Global Companies is free from infection and is continuing operations as usual relating to essential services we provide.  We are adhering the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers of Disease Control ‘s (CDC) recommendations in order to minimize our role to spreading the virus and will continue to revise this document with updates.  Our number one concern is to protect our people- employees, customers, partners, and anybody we may come into contact with. 


Additionally, we have set forth a safety strategy to maximize work efficiency and minimize virus threats.  

  1.  Executive team meetings to monitor the status of covid-19
  2. We are encouraging all personnel who are able to work remotely to do so.  However, the nature of our work doesn’t allow for 100% participation, but we are distancing ourselves however and whenever possible. 
  3. Routine deep “house” cleaning practices throughout our entire facility. 
  4. Posted reminders about proper hygiene with ample supplies to do so.
  5.  Creating positive social distancing handouts for employees to stay positive during these stressful times. 

These are uncertain times for everybody.  While nobody can plan for situations like this, we know that we are in this together.  Remember to stay safe and to help your neighbors when in need.

Please call 636-949-8889 if you have any questions over an open or soon to be open account. 

Thank you, 

Robert Bray, RCDD- President/CEO